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 The Plays

This site is a service project of Los californios®  

Image #1  Image #2  Image #50  Image #3  Image #4

Image #36  Image #38  Image #5  Image #6  Image #47  Image #9  Image #14

Image #16  Image #21  Image #22  Image #41  Image #23  Image #24  Image #53 

Image #54  Image #24  Image #31  Image #25  Image #26  Image #27


  Plays Images #1 and 2:
  Historic Postcard of Padua Hills Theatre Stage about 1960

Plays Image #1
  Photo attributed to Irene Welch Garner
  Los californios® Collection

Members of The Mexican Players - Left to right (Please Help Identify these members):
#1 _____, #2 _____, #3 Gustavo Alfaro, #4 _____, #5 _____, #6 _____, #7 Rogelio Alfaro,
#8 _____, #9 _____, #10 _____, #11 _____, #12 _____, #13 _____
Thanks to Linda Cervon for identification of Gustavo.

Plays Image #2

 The description on the back of this postcard reads: “The Mexican Players in a scene from a comedy of the state of Michoacan in Mexico. The sets, the costumes, the music and the dances are always authentic for the region represented. Whether in Spanish or English the plays are written for, and are easily understood by English speaking audiences.”

Plays Image #2 — Ysidro: 1936




Front of Program for Ysidro,
performed April 1 to May 16, 1936.

A Fiesta honoring San Ysidro
Patron saint of the farmers
Los californios® Collection

Contributed by Robin Shane, who says:
“I believe history and its preservation [are] important.”

Plays Image #2A — Ysidro: Inside

Plays Image #2B — Ysidro: Back of Program




Back of Program







Plays Image #47 — ¡Qué bonito México!: 1936


Program for ¡Qué bonito México!,
performed July 15 to August 29, 1936.

Los californios® Collection

Contributed by Robin Shane

Plays Image #51 — ¡Qué bonito México! - 1936: Inside



Plays Image #52 — ¡Qué bonito México! - 1936: Back of Program





Back of Program



 Note that Hilda Ramírez de Jara is Assistant Director in this production.





Plays Image #3 - 1937 Program




Front of Program for
It Rained in Ixtlán del Río,
performed January 8 to February 20, 1937.

It Rained in Ixtlán del Río
A two-act play performed by The Mexican Players.
This play was also performed in 1936.
Los californios® Collection



Plays Image #4 — De la obscuridad: 1940


Flyer for De la obscuridad,
performed September 13 to October 21, 1940.

 This flyer characterizes the play as “The dramatic story of a brother’s valiant sacrifice.”
Los californios® Collection

Plays Image #36& #8212; Serenata tapatía: 1946


Flyer for Serenata tapatía,
performed June 12 to July 20, 1946.

Serenata tapatía — “A play of Guadalajara, its gay señoritas, dashing charros and their charming music.”
Los californios® Collection

Flyer and program for Serenata tapatía contributed by Jan Sobieralski.


Plays Image #38 — Serenata tapatía: 1946



Program for Serenata tapatía,
performed June 12 to July 20, 1946.

Los californios® Collection

Jan Sobieralski writes: “I was going through some old boxes of papers from my family and found a flyer for the a play called Serenata tapatía that played June 12 to July 20 and we believe in 1946. My parents were on a bike trip in 1946 on a tandem from Seattle to Costa Rica and I guessing may have seen this play since they loved regional theatre.”


Plays Image #39 — <em>Serenata tapatía: Inside


Plays Image #40 — <em>Serenata tapatía: Back of Program



Back of Program: Serenata tapatía


 Note that Jesse Ruíz is an Assistant for this play and that Hilda Ramírez de Jara is the Assistant Director.


Plays Image #5


Flyer for Celaya Stop,
performed July 24 to August 31, 1946.

Celaya Stop — “A comedy of a Mexican Railway Station.” This play was also performed in 1947.
Los californios® Collection


Plays Image #6 — Vote por la Reina: 1948


Program for Vote por la Reina,
performed August 18 to October 2, 1948.

Los californios® Collection

Gloria Calderon Goodman writes:

In the late 40’s and early 50’s my grandmother, Aurora Guerrero, founder of the still popular Cielito Lindo taquito stand on Olvera Street, took my mother and me several times for the most unforgettable evenings of dining and wonderful spirit raising presentations of Mexican music, singing and dance. After dinner and a show we were treated to chocolate caliente y pan dulce.

I was just a teen, but so fortunate to be able to recall visions of those warm romantic evenings in that cozy theater restaurant nestled in those fragrant foothills. Such a pity that things have to change. I am sure my daughters would have enjoyed learning more of their culture in such a beautiful way.


Plays Image #7 — Vote por la Reina: Inside

 Note that Jesse Ruíz is in this production in the character of Chon. Through much of the 1990s Jesse was still directing and producing the Padua Hills version of Las Posadas in San Diego, California: in Old Town, at churches, and at Sherman Heights Community Center — with Los californios® playing the music as remembered by Jesse.

Plays Image #8 — Vote por la Reina: Back of Program



 Click here for more about the Padua Hills annual productions of the pastorela, “Las posadas.”

Back of Program

 Note that Hilda Ramírez de Jara is Assistant Director in this production.



Plays Image #47 — Festivales: 1948


Program for Festivales,
performed October 6 to November 20, 1948.

Los californios® Collection

Contributed by Robin Shane

 The “Festivales” program provided a venue to showcase songs and dances from various areas in Mexico. This program was repeated on a regular basis, including in 1947, 1950, 1951, 1956 and 1957.

Plays Image #48 — Festivales - 1948: Inside



Plays Image #49 — Festivales - 1948: Back of Program



Back of Program

 Note that Hilda Ramírez de Jara is Assistant Director in this production.





Plays Image #9 — Festivales: 1950


Program for Festivales,
performed October 18 to November 25, 1950.

Los californios® Collection

 The “Festivales” program provided a venue to showcase songs and dances from various areas in Mexico. This program was repeated on a regular basis, including in 1947, 1948, 1951, 1956 and 1957.

Plays Image #10 — Festivales: Inside


 For a picture of the cast for this performance, please see the lead picture on the Padua Hills Theatre Home Page.

Plays Image #11 — Festivales: Back of Program Amalia Amalia
  Plays Images #12 & 13
  Historical photograph by Irene Welch Garner
  Alfaro Family Collection

 Subject matter experts visited Padua Hills Theatre to bring authentic dances, music and costuming for programs. This artist came in preparation for the Festivales program in 1950.

Plays Image #14 — Margarita: 1951


Flyer for Margarita,
January 10 to February 17, 1951.

“A comedy of a girl, two suitors, and three fiestas . . the Day of the Three Kings, Candelaria, and Carnival.”
Los californios® Collection

 Many productions included educational components about Mexican culture.



Plays Image #16 — 16 de Septiembre: 1952


Flyer for 16 de Septiembre,
performed August 13 to August 31 and October 1 to October 11, 1952.

Los californios® Collection

Plays Image #17 — 16 de Septiembre: 1952



Program for 16 de Septiembre

Los californios® Collection

 Plays featuring pride in their Mexican history and heritage were a staple of The Mexican Player’s repertoire. Also note the annotation on the front of the program that this is the group’s 166th production.

Plays Image #18 — 16 de Septiembre: Inside

Plays Image #19 — 16 de Septiembre: Back of Program




Back of Program

 Note that Hilda Ramírez de Jara wrote, directed and performed in this production.



Plays Image #21 — Viva la fiesta: 1952


Flyer for Viva la fiesta
performed October 15 to November 22, 1952.

“Mexico pictured through its celebrations, songs and dances.”
Los californios® Collection


Plays Image #22 — Cielo mexicano: 1955



Flyer for Cielo mexicano,
performed July 27 to September 17, 1955.

“Mexican skies. If you are Mexican ... take pride in it.”
Los californios® Collection


Plays Image #41 — Las Canacuas: 1956


Program for Las Canacuas,
performed May 16 to June 23, 1956.

Los californios® Collection

 Education about regional traditions was often worked into the stories. This program was repeated on a regular basis, including in 1935, 1940, 1941, 1960 and 1958.

Plays Image #42 — Las Canacuas: Inside




Plays Image #43 — Las Canacuas: Back of Program




Back of Program





Plays Image #23 — Las Canacuas: 1960


Flyer for Las Canacuas
performed January 13 to February 27, 1960.

“A comedy of romantic Michoacan” — performed by
The Mexican Players. Las Canacuas was also performed in 1935, 1940, 1941, 1956 and 1958.
Los californios® Collection



Plays Image #24 — Veracruz: 1960




Flyer for Veracruz,
performed June 8 to July 23, 1960.

“Veracruz: Life, Love and Music of a Tropical Village”
Los californios® Collection



Plays Image #53 — Padua Opens 34th Seasoon


Announcment for Festival Folklorical Mexicano,
Featuring Guadalupe Rubio and Aida de la Torre, and opening Padua’s 34th season.

Scan contriputed by Aida de la Torre’s son, C.D. Sellinger,
who notes that “My mother was a player at Padua Hills
many years ago, along whith her sister, Alicia Flores.
This would have been in the early 60’s.”

Historical photograph attributed to Irene Welch Garner


Plays Image #54 — Veracruz: 1960



News Article for La Llorona del Río,
with Aida de la Torre and Rogelio Alfaro.

Scan contriputed by Aida de la Torre’s son,
C.D. Sellinger

Historical photograph attributed to Irene Welch Garner


Plays Image #28 — Serenata Ranchera: 1972



Program for Serenata Ranchera,
performed March 1 to April 22, 1972.

 Caroline Cameron-Yarp writes:

 “I attended this performance on a field trip with my 8th grade Spanish class many years ago. When I googled “Padua Hills Theatre” to see if it was still in existence, I was led to your web site. Enjoy!”

Los californios® Collection
Contributed by Caroline Cameron-Yarp

Plays Image #29 — Serenata Ranchera



Plays Image #30 — Serenata Ranchera: Back of Program


Back of Program

 Another trip to Padua Hills is remembered in this account from Joan Webb:

 “In about 1945, my Spanish class from Glendale High School attended a performance given by the Mexican Players. Long time ago but my memory of a beautiful afternoon in the mountain setting is one I still enjoy.”



Plays Image #25 — Carnaval de Veracruz: 1961

San Miguel and the Hermit:
Coloquio in “Carnaval de Veracruz,”
performed July 26 to September 9, 1961.

Image #25
Historical photograph by Irene Welch Garner
Alfaro Family Collection

 Characters and their costumes might appear in multiple productions — like this example of San Miguel and the hermit showing up outside of Las Posadas.

 The woman second from the right is Aida Mitten.
Thanks to Linda Cervon for identification.

Plays Image #31 — Tropical Veracruz


Program for Tropical Veracruz , 1972
performed June 7 to July 22, 1972.

Scans contributed by Douglas Freund

 Douglas Freund writes:

 “I was sorting through some family papers when I came across a flyer for the Padua Hills Theatre from 1972. I remember going to the Theatre with my folks at this time, and the experience was magical. I was charmed to find such a nice web page dedicated to this venue, but noticed that you do not include an image of the flyer for the show that we saw: Tropical Veracruz. Perhaps this scan will be of use!”

Plays Image #32 — Tropical Veracruz


Plays Image #30 — Tropical Veracruz: Back of Program



Back of Program

Plays Image #35 — Front of insert



 Douglas Freund also supplied the scan of this insert that accompanied his program.


Linda Yarnell of Laurinburg, NC shares her memories of Padua Hills Theatre:

“In 1958, my sister, Elizabeth and brother-in-law, Fred Beebe arranged for a friend to take me to Padua Hills for my 24th birthday, as they were going to be out of town. Fred, a Presbyterian minister, had just established Claremont’s first Presbyterian church. It was a surprise to me when I was served a birthday cake with a sparkler on top, and I was serenaded by the musicians singing the lovely Las Mananitas. The show in the theater, and the fiesta afterwards, made an unforgettable and magic evening.”

Plays Image 4— Insert


Plays Image #26 — Stage scene



Image #26
Historical photograph by Irene Welch Garner

Alfaro Family Collection

  A Scene on Stage — performed by The Mexican Players

Do you recognize these plays or the performers? If so, please let us
know so we can add that information to this site.

Plays Image #27 — Stage scene


Image #27
Historical photograph by Irene Welch Garner

Alfaro Family Collection

  A Scene on Stage — performed by The Mexican Players


If your family has recollections or images of Padua Hills Theatre that you would like to share on this web site, please contact Los californios® at info@loscalifornios.com.

© Vykki Mende Gray, 2020
All rights reserved.

Web design: Ellen Wallace and Vykki Mende Gray
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Los californios® is a registered trademark belonging to
San Diego Friends of Old-Time Music, Inc.,
a California non-profit corporation.

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